
Short numbers and keywords

Short numbers are 5-digit numbers, such as “60777”. Short numbers can be used in marketing materials, online ads and anywhere else your customers, staff or members might see them. These numbers are quick and easy for people to use and remember. Short numbers are an easy way of getting people to text you to join an offers list or voice their interest in your business.


  • Short text numbers – from TV to train stations

    No doubt you will have seen these on TV or at train stations, asking you to text a simple word to a 5-digit number. Short numbers are usually used with keywords and are an easy way for a customer to remember and contact your business.


  • A low cost way to grow your contact list

    Short numbers are a great way to find new customers. Once a customer has texted in, the our online platform will store their number and you can continue to contact them with relevant information in the future.

Free keyword on our short number

Every Textlocal account comes with its own keyword on our short code number – 60777.

Texts are passed onto you and the sender pays a standard network charge (which may be free, depending on what network you use).

Sign up here

How would you use a short number?

Sending fitness class time tables to new and existing members.

Advising of traffic or parking information on event days.

Publishing event details to interested customers.

Confirming term dates and key school events.